Philippine Music Industry: What Has Gone Wrong

What happened to the Philippine Music Industry?

Filipinos are great singers. The world agrees on that. We love singing so much it becomes a part of our daily lives. We love music. (Who the heck does not?) We love singing contests (The Voice, X Factor, local singing contests, etc.) It develop artists and show real talent. We love supporting Filipino singers competing internationally because as we say, they are the country's pride. But after the once in a lifetime moment in the spotlight, on the eyes of the whole nation, where do the Filipino artists end up? What happens to their career? Where have they gone to? Do we hear of them again? Or only on a minute-worth of appearance in ASAP? Mall shows? Guesting in GGV?

There are three contributing factors to the Philippine Music Industry that I have observed. These are the factors that define the music industry that we have and why I think that it is becoming toxic.

Music producers and songwriters

The music producers and song writers pick the popular ones to invest from. Even though the popular ones aren't real singers. Why? Simply because they're popular. Doesn't matter if they're crappy singers. People love them and they're going to buy their albums and go to their concerts. Popular people is tied to profit. Its mostly about money in this industry.


People fish for their idols. Their idols, who are fully aware that they aren't what you are expecting from them, will go on with it. Simply because WHY NOT? You're given the opportunity, so why not? For all I know, everyone of us had a dream of becoming a recording artist with blockbuster concerts and albums. You see, this is the perfect presentation of the law of supply and demand. The people are the consumers. They are the ones buying the product, aka the artist/song/album. If there is a high demand on the product, then the supply must be high as well. Thus, the explanation for why the producers and songwriters keep on with some artists.


If the other artists are selling but you're not, and you are convinced that you can equally or actually do better than them, then you must always look into yourself first. What are you lacking? What does she/he has that you don't? In what aspects do you need improvement? What can you do to step up your game?

These talented people work so hard for what they are passionate about. But they are not given the opportunity. They are not given their break and their spotlight. These are the people that can better represent the PINOY MUSIC that we were once so proud of. They are the ones I actually want to hear in the radio and watch perform live. I am not saying that some of the artists today that are selling records are bad. I am not saying that they are not working hard to get to what they are now. I am not saying that they do not deserve their place. There are few mentionable talents that I like. (Yeng, KZ, rock bands) I am just arguing that there are LOT OF BETTER ARTISTS that I'd love to hear more. Because they deserve to be heard, too.

As much as I hate to admit, I can't do much about bringing the glory that the Philippine music industry once had. The music industry used to shape star quality artists. It used to be a home to dreamers and hardworkers that actually know, and earn their place. Regrettably, I can't do much since I'm not part of the industry neither do I have the ways and the power to change it internally. What I can do best is only to support in the background the real talented artists in the Philippines and hope that I will hear their music soon.